Cookie Policy

Cookie-urile sunt fișiere text mici care sunt descărcate pe computer, tabletă sau telefon mobil când vizitați un site web sau o aplicație. Site-ul web sau aplicația poate prelua aceste cookie-uri din browserul dvs. web (de exemplu, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox sau Google Chrome) de fiecare dată când vizitați, astfel încât să vă poată recunoaște, să vă amintească preferințele și să vă ofere o experiență online mai sigură.

În general, cookie-urile sunt foarte utile și sunt o metodă obișnuită folosită de aproape fiecare site pe care îl vizitați, deoarece vă ajută să vă faceți experiența online cât mai ușoară posibil. Din motive de securitate, multe site-uri web nu vor funcționa deloc fără utilizarea cookie-urilor (sau a altor tehnologii similare, cum ar fi „web beacons” sau „tag-uri”).

Cookie-urile nu conțin, în general, nicio informație pentru a identifica o persoană individuală, ci sunt folosite în schimb pentru a identifica un browser pe o singură mașină.

Dacă preferați, puteți restricționa, bloca sau șterge cookie-urile modificând setările browserului dvs., dar asta poate însemna că site-ul web nu va funcționa corect.

Pentru mai multe informații despre cookie-uri și impactul acestora asupra dvs. și a navigării dvs. vizitați


Cookie-uri necesare

Aceste cookie-uri sunt esențiale pentru a vă ajuta să utilizați caracteristicile și serviciile pe care le oferim pe site-ul IceSistems. Fără aceste cookie-uri, serviciile pe care doriți să le utilizați nu pot fi furnizate. Aceste cookie-uri nu colectează informații despre dvs. care ar putea fi utilizate pentru a vă identifica și nu monitorizează și nu își amintesc unde ați fost pe internet.

Cookie-uri funcționale

Aceste cookie-uri ne permit să vă oferim o experiență online mai bună atunci când utilizați site-ul nostru web. Nu colectează și nu stochează nicio informație care să ne permită să vă identificăm personal.

Cookie-uri de performanță

Cookie-urile de performanță ne ajută să înțelegem modul în care clienții noștri folosesc site-ul nostru, astfel încât să putem păstra produsele și serviciile noastre relevante, ușor de utilizat și actualizate. De exemplu, putem vedea ce produse și servicii sunt cele mai populare, putem identifica când și unde apar erori și putem testa diferite versiuni ale unei pagini pentru a oferi o experiență online îmbunătățită.

Uneori, serviciile pe care le folosim pentru a colecta aceste informații pot fi operate de alte companii în numele nostru. Aceștia pot utiliza tehnologii similare cu cookie-urile, cunoscute sub numele de „semnalizatoare web” sau „etichete”. Acestea sunt anonime și, deoarece sunt utilizate numai în scopuri statistice, nu conțin sau colectează nicio informație care vă identifică.

Cookie-uri de targetare

Avem relații cu furnizori atent selectați și monitorizați (terțe părți) care pot stabili și cookie-uri în timpul vizitei dumneavoastră. Scopul acestor cookie-uri este „publicitatea comportamentală” (cunoscută și sub denumirea de „direcționare comportamentală” sau „remarketing”), care este un mijloc de a vă arăta produse și servicii relevante pe baza a ceea ce pareți să vă intereseze. Deși aceste cookie-uri pot urmări vizitele dvs. pe web nu știu cine sunteți. Fără aceste cookie-uri, reclamele online pe care le întâlniți vor fi mai puțin relevante pentru dvs. și interesele dvs.


Most internet browsers allow you to erase cookies from your computer hard drive, block all cookies (or just third-party cookies) or warn you before a cookie is stored on your device.

Please note, if you choose to block all cookies, our site will not function as intended and you will not be able to use or access many of the services we provide. If you have blocked all cookies and wish to make full use of the features and services we offer, you will need to enable your cookies. You can do this in your browser (see below).

Rather than blocking all cookies, you can choose to only block third-party cookies which will still allow our website to function as intended.

How to manage cookies on your PC

To enable cookies on our website, follow the steps below.

Google Chrome
  1. Click “Tools” at the top of your browser and select “Settings”.
  2. Click “Show advanced settings”, scroll down to the section “Privacy” and click “Content Settings.”
  3. Select “Allow local data to be set”. To only accept first-party cookies, check the box next to “Block all third-party cookies without exception”
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0
  1. Click “Tools” at the top of your browser and select “Internet Options”, then click the “Privacy” tab.
  2. Check that the level of your privacy is set to Medium or lower, which will allow the use of cookies in your browser.
  3. If set above medium level it will prevent the use of cookies.
Mozilla Firefox
  1. Click “Tools” at the top of your browser and select “Options”.
  2. Then select the “Privacy” icon.
  3. Click the “Cookies” and select “Allow pages to create a cookie.”
  1. Click the gear icon at the top of your browser and select “Settings”.
  2. Click the “Privacy” tab, then select the option “Disable the use of cookies by third parties and advertising cookies.”
  3. Click “Save”.

How to manage cookies on your Mac

To enable cookies on our website, follow the steps below.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 on OSX
  1. Click on “Explorer” at the top of your browser and select “Settings”.
  2. Scroll down to the “Cookies” section in the “Received Files”.
  3. Select “Do not ask.”
Safari on OSX
  1. Click “Safari” on the top of your browser and select “Settings”.
  2. Click the “Privacy” and then “Enable cookies.”
  3. Select “only the pages you have visited.”
Mozilla and Netscape on OSX
  1. Click “Mozilla” or “Netscape” at the top of your browser and select “Settings”.
  2. Scroll down to the “Cookies” under “Privacy & Security”.
  3. Select “Allow cookies only to the original site.”
  1. Click “Menu” on the top of your browser and select “Settings”.
  2. Then select “Options” tab and the “Advanced”.
  3. Select “Enable cookies.”

Cookies are small text files which are downloaded to your computer, tablet or mobile phone when you visit a website or application. The website or application may retrieve these cookies from your web browser (eg Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome) each time you visit, so they can recognise you, remember your preferences and provide you with a more secure online experience.

Generally, cookies are very useful and are a common method used by almost every website you visit because they help to make your online experience as smooth as possible. For security reasons, many websites will not function at all without the use of cookies (or other similar technologies, such as “web beacons” or “tags”).

Cookies generally do not hold any information to identify an individual person, but are instead used to identify a browser on an individual machine.

If you prefer, you can restrict, block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings but that may mean that the website won’t work properly.

For more information about cookies and their impact on you and your browsing visit

Necessary cookies

These cookies are essential in helping you to make use of the features and services we offer on the IceSistems website. Without these cookies, the services you want to use cannot be provided. These cookies do not gather information about you that could be used to identify you, and they do not monitor or remember where you have been on the internet.

Functional cookies

These cookies allow us to provide you with a better online experience when you use our website. They do not gather or store any information which would allow us to identify you personally.

Performance cookies

Performance cookies help us to understand how our customers use our site, so we can keep our products and services relevant, easy to use and up to date. For example, we can see which products and services are most popular, identify when and where errors occur, and test different versions of a page in order to provide an improved online experience.

Sometimes, the services we use to collect this information may be operated by other companies on our behalf. They may use similar technologies to cookies, known as “web beacons” or “tags”. These are anonymous and, as they are only used for statistical purposes, they do not contain or collect any information that identifies you.

Targeting cookies

We have relationships with carefully selected and monitored suppliers (third parties) who may also set cookies during your visit. The purpose of these cookies is “behavioural advertising” (also known as “behavioural targeting” or “remarketing”), which is a means of showing you relevant products and services based on what you appear to be interested in. Although these cookies can track your visits around the web they don’t know who you are. Without these cookies, online advertisements you encounter will be less relevant to you and your interests.


Most internet browsers allow you to erase cookies from your computer hard drive, block all cookies (or just third-party cookies) or warn you before a cookie is stored on your device.

Please note, if you choose to block all cookies, our site will not function as intended and you will not be able to use or access many of the services we provide. If you have blocked all cookies and wish to make full use of the features and services we offer, you will need to enable your cookies. You can do this in your browser (see below).

Rather than blocking all cookies, you can choose to only block third-party cookies which will still allow our website to function as intended.

How to manage cookies on your PC

To enable cookies on our website, follow the steps below.

Google Chrome
Click “Tools” at the top of your browser and select “Settings”.
Click “Show advanced settings”, scroll down to the section “Privacy” and click “Content Settings.”
Select “Allow local data to be set”. To only accept first-party cookies, check the box next to “Block all third-party cookies without exception”
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0
Click “Tools” at the top of your browser and select “Internet Options”, then click the “Privacy” tab.
Check that the level of your privacy is set to Medium or lower, which will allow the use of cookies in your browser.
If set above medium level it will prevent the use of cookies.
Mozilla Firefox
Click “Tools” at the top of your browser and select “Options”.
Then select the “Privacy” icon.
Click the “Cookies” and select “Allow pages to create a cookie.”
Click the gear icon at the top of your browser and select “Settings”.
Click the “Privacy” tab, then select the option “Disable the use of cookies by third parties and advertising cookies.”
Click “Save”.

How to manage cookies on your Mac

To enable cookies on our website, follow the steps below.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 on OSX
  1. Click on “Explorer” at the top of your browser and select “Settings”.
  2. Scroll down to the “Cookies” section in the “Received Files”.
  3. Select “Do not ask.”
Safari on OSX
  1. Click “Safari” on the top of your browser and select “Settings”.
  2. Click the “Privacy” and then “Enable cookies.”
  3. Select “only the pages you have visited.”
Mozilla and Netscape on OSX
  1. Click “Mozilla” or “Netscape” at the top of your browser and select “Settings”.
  2. Scroll down to the “Cookies” under “Privacy & Security”.
  3. Select “Allow cookies only to the original site.”
  1. Click “Menu” on the top of your browser and select “Settings”.
  2. Then select “Options” tab and the “Advanced”.
  3. Select “Enable cookies.”

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